Is the inability to manage change holding you back?

Change Management/ THE CASE FOR CHANGE

The only constant in this world is change. Accepting this as a reality will enable you to develop your skills to be an effective contributor in a world of change. Considering the potential for many changes in most organisations, branch business planning and strategic and operational goals, it is imperative that managers have an understanding of the successful and effective management of change

It’s time to ensure that everyone in your organisation shares the “new” vision in order that the organisation’s aspirations can be achieved, and that everyone is on the same page.

Learn how not to be intimidated by change, and reap the benefits of the opportunities offered.

Points covered:-

  • Effective communications
  • Determining the stakeholders
  • How do your customers benefit from the change?
  • Marketing the new vision
  • Creating a collective entity
  • Maximising your resources
  • Coping with change
  • Strategies to manage change
  • Opportunities resulting from managing change effectively
  • Understand the benefits that change can bring
  • Expand your horizons to incorporate potential new markets
  • Maintain a positive attitude in the midst of change.


“This team was the best presenters (of an information session) I have so far attended. Use them more!”

Manager Bundaberg Regional Council


email/Lesley)( or phone +61 0417 765 645